We want to hear your vision for the future of the historic core! Check out the opportunities below to share your ideas and input.

  • The first phase included the project kick-off meeting, listening sessions, and field survey. To learn more about what we heard in May, check out the Key Takeaways Summary.

    Don’t forget to read the Project Directions Memo! This document identifies key observations, issues and recommendations. It also outlines the updated code structure.

    Community Workshop
    Wednesday, August 9th (7-9 pm)
    City Hall Council Chambers
    28W701 Stafford Place
    Warrenville, IL 60555

  • On the heels of the Discovery + Directions Phase, the consultant team developed an initial draft code delivered in 2 separate modules (bite-sized chunks) to the Work Group and City staff for internal review. At the end of this phase, all of the Work Group and staff comments were folded into a revised and consolidated draft ready for public review and input.

  • Thanks for joining us at the Warrenville by Design Open House to share your thoughts on the Warrenville by Design zoning overlay. The draft code and map will be presented at City hearings and revised based upon public comments.

    Warrenville by Design Open House
    Monday, February 26, 2024
    City Hall Council Chambers
    3:30 - 7:30PM

  • The draft code and map were presented at the Thursday, June 20th Plan Commission meeting. The project team and staff are making revisions to the code/map based on public comments. The project will wrap up with the adopted code and map in ready-to-publish formats.


Send us a note telling us your vision for the future, what’s so special about the Warrenville’s historic core and/or what you’d like to see improved.

We appreciate your thoughts!